Sunday, November 15, 2009

Why do people insist on giving their babies fancy made up names?

What's wrong with good old fashioned tried and tested names ?

Names that they won't hate you for giving when they are older ??

Why do people insist on giving their babies fancy made up names?
There's a difference between unique/uncommon names and crazy/bizarre names. Unfortunately, some people just don't know where to draw the line.
Reply:they are cute and all

looks like u made upur glasses!!! lol
Reply:im not especially fond of made up names myself although some of them are really nice and not off the wall. some of them are just awful and way out there! i do like the old fashioned names and the ones that are just common. i guess some just want the name to be different from any others so they stand out strong. and i guess if that is what makes them happy then its their right to choose whatever makes them happy!!
Reply:just because you are bitter about your own name doesn't mean other people who have akward names hate their parents. i don't even have an average middle name so i couldn't even fall back on that but i love my full name and would never want to change. i was either going to be a larae or a larenza so i'm happy with what i got. stop being bitter and shut up.
Reply:its a new trend plain and simple,, to find a name no one else has, its the poor kids that suffer. imagine being called apple that is a joke isn't it but its the child i feel for,, the old names are the best but young people tend to follow the latest fashions there is three little girls called angel were i live so that's become a common name around here all ready
Reply:It's because they are low life trashy types who think they're being trendy and sophisticated by doing this!

They give their poor kid some impossible to spell name and then act like they're being so clever.

Both my kids have proper names and they're both better off for it.
Reply:I couldn't agree more - I can't STAND made up names, or good names spelled stupidly in a "look how different I am! I added a heap of unnecessary letters to Emmileigh's name - isn't it cool?" kind of way. Also, I think it generally makes people look thick - would you prefer your gynaecologist to be called David or Jaiyden?
Reply:they want to be differeny and unique but i agree some people go tooooo far! not fair on the kid,
Reply:the old fashioned tried and tested names were once fancy made up names. In time they will be classed ans old fashioned tried and tested. Some of the "made up names" are actually traditional, less used names which have been around along time but haven't been commonly heard of, giving the impression of modern made up names.

However, I do know what you mean when kdis are given silly names setting their kids up for ridicule all their lives until their names become "common".
Reply:because they want to be different then their kids get made fun of
Reply:It's nice to have a unique name or at least one that is rare. How boring if the world was made up of people only called John, David, Claire, Ann and other such names. When I was expecting I had a 'friend' like yourself who insisted if I had a boy it should be called Luke or Michael! Yawn!

The world is a more interesting place nowadays compared to 50 years ago, with people travelling more and being less narrow minded. Less people are religious (hence less saint's names) and people don't do things just to please their parents anymore (therefore less people being named after relations).

It does not mean someone is uneducated or a chav or wants their child to be bullied, a name is a name for life and who wants a dull, forgetable, nondescript name for life?!
Reply:because the world and teachers and the kids themselves are sick and tired of calling someone John or smith or patty! old is not gold its just plain boring

bring on the theodores of this world woohoo
Reply:I have a boring name and would have preferred something more unusual myself so if I have children that's what they will get.
Reply:i had a famous name with my maiden name. its biblical. i hated it and my kids are gunna have "different" names. lol not like apple or toggle or anything but just something that not every single peorsn in the whole world has, thats just boring.
Reply:Because they are thoughtless and selfish and they are following stupid trend ... all the while thinking they are being "unique" ;-)
Reply:Because they are vacuous, and don't seem to realise that they are naming children, not toys. Real people!!

My children are named Finley (Finn) and Caleb. Both normal, neither made up, yet neither so common that there will be 4 of each in each class when they get to school.

It's not hard is it?!!
Reply:Those people who think crazy names will make their child 'liked' at school are deluded - those children will be made fun of mercilessly by the other kids (whose sensible parents gave them normal names).

My 3 kids all have 'traditional' names which wouldn't have been out of place 50 years ago but are still popular today.

The tradition used to be saints' names - that's what my children have.
Reply:They think they're having dollies, not children.
Reply:Well i Made up JaeLinn and i loveeee it! and i know my girl is going to like it its unique
Reply:to be unique, creative, to make their child stand out....hopefully in a good way..LOL
Reply:it all started with A list music celebs when it was cool to call your daughter trixiebell, people of the Non Educated Delinquents also knew as Ned adopted it
Reply:Why be boring? Unusual names can be very nice and give the child individuality. Why follow the crowd? We're all different people?
Reply:I like the idea of giving my baby an unsual name but there's unusual and there's stupid. I've noticed that a lot of people 'make up' names that look and sound ridiculous. It's nice to be different and it's nice for your child to be an individual but you want them to be individuals for the right reasons. People can't decide on a name so they get all the names that they like and use a few letters from each and put them all together to come up with one name!!!! Your child won't thank you for giving it a stupid name.
Reply:each to their own, it would be boring and some what confusing if we all had the same names!
Reply:I know what you mean, my real name is Timniquuousabolusholocaminodelroyaldeewa... Jackson.
Reply:they like the names they choose
Reply:I don't mind as long as they are spelt correctly or it just looks like your parents couldn't spell when they went to register you.
Reply:I don't know. I am a teacher and it really irritates me when I have to ask the child how to say and sometimes spell his/her name. It is not unique or is annoying and frusturating to the child especially. There are so many ways to spell Emily now. The spellings go against the grammar rule and children get confused as to how to spell their own name.

I have 3 boys, with normal, everyday names that all mean something special. Nicholas, Jacob and Matthew. Strong names that identify them and if they ever become president one day or a movie star they will stand out because they have nice, normal, easy to spell names.
Reply:What do you class as made up and fancy?? im going to call my child maddison, do you class that as made up and fancy? i think its peoples individual choice as to what they call there child.
Reply:My name isnt overly unusual (Sasha) But I'm so glad my parents named me that. When I was growing up There were hundreds of lauras, katies, claires, charlottes and amys. At school, if the teacher said my name, I knew they were talking about me as I was the only one called Sasha. Everyone I have met likes my name and it suits me. I also have brother called Levi. So long as the name isnt stupid I'm all for unusual names :)
Reply:Maybe because they dont like traditional names

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