Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Do you think there should be certain restrictions of what names babies can be given?

Do you think there should be some sort of rules/laws/restrictions on names that babies can be given or do you think it is entirely the parents choice?

Do you think there should be certain restrictions of what names babies can be given?
oh my god, yes.

some people are frickin ridiculous.

do they not realize that if their kids frickin name is BANJO

that he's gonna be made fun of?

or tallulah does the hula?

i mean, jesus.
Reply:I don't think anything profane should be given to a child. Also, things like "Ima Pigg" and "Ura Pigg" should be outlawed! What parent would do that to their child???? Numbers (like "4real") shouldn't be used either, in my opinion. Otherwise, I don't think there's anything wrong. I know there's a lot of crazy names the stars are giving their children, but nothing I think should be outlawed.
Reply:Yes. I know some countries already do it. In Japan, certain Chinese Characters (Japanese uses Chinese Characters) are banned because they mean things such as curse, or whore, or evil. Things which shouldn't be given as a child's identity even before they have a chance to grow up.

I think for the most part it is the parent's choice, but I think there needs to be some restrictions for certain words or names because unfortunately, some parents out there are just that stupid. I'm just glad that most people have some common sense.
Reply:I still say there is nothing wrong with naming your baby Ol Dirty Bastard :)

But seriously, I think that's something that is none of anyone else's business. The parents made the kid, they get to name it whatever they want, even if it's stupid.
Reply:Ask poor little Adolf Hitler...I think some names are just wrong!
Reply:to a certain extent yes, simply because the kid could be harassed their whole childhood over it, so it would be to the best interest of safety of the child.
Reply:I think in certain cases the law should step in. Like in the case of the celebrities who named their baby Pilot Inspektor. And there are so many more examples.
Reply:No!!!! Parents are free to name their babies what they want, no matter how lame. However I do think that there should be restrictions on who is allowed to have babies.
Reply:No. It should continue to be the the parents decision.
Reply:parent's choice, why put more restrictions on people's choices
Reply:I think it should be entirely the parents choice. The kid can change it later if he wants. Are you communist?
Reply:no restrictions. Apple Blythe
Reply:it's entirely the parent's choice

but they should have some sense in what to name there child.
Reply:I think there should be rules on who can breed, period. Then, if they pass that, they can name them whatever they want.
Reply:its the parents interest but there still must b some limit

can u blieve it? in china, a baby was named @ !!!

cool question:]]
Reply:parents choice but i do feel bad when parents give terrible names. like my mom's friend is a nurse and a woman just had a baby girl. she was reading a hospital pamphlet and she came across a word she wanted to name her daughter (she said it as: gah-nor-i-a ) but it said gonorrhea (the std) lol the nurse told her to pick a new name.
Reply:Maybe in Communist China but in America its a free country
Reply:There shouldn't have to be.

Reply:That would be crazy. This is America
Reply:Awww but i love the name Audio Science...
Reply:No If I want To name my Child Yasamubote I will!


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