Sunday, November 15, 2009

Are these good names for babies or no?

If I have a girl, either Armani Raquelle or Winter.

If I have boys, ta-kai (tah-k-eye) or tarelle (tah-rell).

I want them to have a unique name.

Are these good names for babies or no?
Armani Raquelle is GORGEOUS

dont listen to anyone else

and id only call my daughter winder if shes born IN winter

so if yours is due then, then fine (:

i love Armani Raquelle


Reply:Heard of a neighbor's dog named Armani, so I don't care for it - also sounds like a boy's name and also pretentious.

I had a little girl in class years ago with the name Winter (middle name Love) - at first it sounded cheesy, but she was such a sweetie that we called her Winter Love all the time and it really fit her, and sounded so pretty. I don't tend to like the seasons/days used as names (Autumn, Tuesday, etc.) but in this case it was nice.

Takai is fine, but Tarelle is not the best. What's the boy's middle name?
Reply:none of those names are very unique dear...Armani (is masculine for one) and umm the most famous clothes line in suits and, winter-ok kinda unique, but enough enouh that Ive never met any....ta-kai is unique but umm why name your kid "tacky"? as that is how everyone will read it his whole life, althought the spelling looks nice.....tarelle is sooo freaking common (Tyrell) only your spelling is unique in the feminine kind of way (as the "elle" is only used in female names)

keep searching dear, there are unique names out there that will fit the gender your child a name you would have switch yours would you have traded your name to be called "tacky" all your life?

for example, my sons name is Keondre (kay-andre), unique spelling, unique name without being wack and super easy to have a mean nickname made out of. Plus means "little king" so nice meaning too.
Reply:No, they are all terrible. Armani is a fashion house, Winter is a season, and the boy's names sound like something out of a random online generator.

If you want something with a unique name, buy a doll or a puppy, or change your own name. You should give a baby a name that will not make them a figure of fun their whole life.
Reply:Armani is an italian last name and a brand, surely not a first name.

I'm not keen on Winter either, but it's better than Armani.

Winter Raquelle sounds good!

Tarelle sounds like a girl's name.

answer mine too please:;...
Reply:I like the girl names, but if you were to name them that i think you should have nicknames for them like for Armani it would be Ari or something. I love winter, but it may be confusing...idk.
Reply:I wouldn't go with Armani or Ta-kai however people have gone with weirder names like apple or a name of a country so Winter and Raquelle doesn't sound that bad. Tarelle sounds a little too feminine to me too.

Reply:I think Armani is such a tacky name.

Winter is okay .. I don't think I'd use it but it is quite pretty.

Ta-kai is ridiculous too, Tarelle I could live with but it sounds very girly!
Reply:Rachel and Raquel are variant of one another, Rochelle is just similar

Taliah Rachel, Kaia (Kya) Rochelle, or Kaylyn Raquel for a girl

Laken, Lake, for a boy

Reply:Raquelle is the only decent part of those names in my opinion
Reply:i really like Armani Raquelle not winter tho
Reply:I would not use any of those names sorry
Reply:Like winter a lil
Reply:They're all pretty bad.

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