Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Speaking of crazy baby names.....Have you heard about the babies taken out of their homes by the government ?

because of their names?

The 3yo is Adolf Hitler and his two baby sisters also have nazi names. This is horrible. Even for wacked out parents, you would think they wouldnt want their children growing up with that stigma which would really have hurt them in many ways. And this is America, not Germany.

Speaking of crazy baby names.....Have you heard about the babies taken out of their homes by the government ?
I have heard of the child named adolf hitler. How horrible that parents think this is okay that AMERICAN parents think this is okay. We should give our children names that give them strength, intergrity,%26amp; self esteem. not horrid names as such.

Geez some people shouldn't be parents!!!
Reply:I don't think taking the child from his parents is the right thing to do in that case.

In Quebec, Canada, we have a law that allows the government to reject an inappropriate name when a child is registered with the province. Usually the government doesn't have to apply the law, but in certain cases it is necessary. For example, some parents wanted to call their child "Spatule" (french for Spatula), "Spiderman".. or even "Clitoris"!

I think the governement should have the right to reject a name but taking the child from his parents for a matter of name is a little bit extreme.
Reply:In the US there are no "name police" so people can essentially name a child whatever they want (that's why this little boy could be named Adolph Hitler and his little sister AryanNation). Social Services has publicly said that children would never be removed from their homes based on what their parents had named them. Obviously they were in an environment not conducive to a healthy childhood and that is why they were removed, not because of their names.
Reply:Those particular children could have been named Johnnie, Susie and Annie, and they still would have been raised by parents who are trash, but their names certainly made things worse.
Reply:It seems that everyone missed the scariest part of all. That they are still caucasians out there that think continue to have so much hatred for people of color that they still idiolize a man who once attempted ethnic cleansing.

However, your comment on this is America... which means that because we live in the United States we have that freedom.

*side note: America is a continent which includes Canada and Mexico. It is not a country.
Reply:Umm yeah id you catch what one of the daughters middle name is? Her middle name is "Aryan Nation". Wow I think people that name their kids whacked out names are terrible. I am pregnant right now and I am going to have normal names.. Kayleigh or Kyle..plain, simple and normal names... Sheesh... Adolf Hitler...Poor kid.
Reply:To me, this is a type of abuse because the parents probably think it's funny that they named their baby this, and feeding off the attention. Hopefully the government will put the baby in foster care with an immediate changed name.
Reply:I don't think a child's name is reason to take them out of their home. Do you know the emotional damage that will come from being ripped away from your parents at 3 years old? Unless a child is being abused, there is no reason to take them out of the home
Reply:Wow thats weird who would want to name their children Nazi names. They are totally crazy,and i really feel for the children...can't imagine what it's like to live in a foster care or being adopted over your name. Did they change the children names???
Reply:The kids were not removed because of their names. These parents aren't good parents and the kids were taken for a reason. I hope they don't go back to the parents ever.
Reply:They wouldn't have been removed because of their names or their parents' beliefs. The government does not have the right to do that.

There would have had to be a reason social services found the home environment unsafe.

By the way, "this is America, not Germany", how ignorant can you be?
Reply:When i first read this article it made me sick. The father says he done it cos the names would be so unique and no one else in the world would name their kids the same names. Some people don't deserve kids at all
Reply:I don't know if that was the reason, but if so, then I'm not against it. Nazis will raise Nazis and children need to be protected from such things.
Reply:isnt it the parents choice to name their kids wut they want? God damn government trying to but into everything.
Reply:They were not removed because of their names.
Reply:Yeah that is nuts. They should change the names, that's for sure.

♥ Taylor
Reply:%26gt;%26gt;I didn't hear about them be removed from the home. But their names are frigged up, yes.

Our government won't remove the child from the home just because of the name.

There has to be another reason.
Reply:I would honestly name my child marmalade if it was socially acceptable
Reply:that is so terrible! %26gt;:-0
Reply:If i name my child Jesus Christ will the government take my child, too ?
Reply:you guys are nazi racists.

angel trumpet

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