Friday, April 23, 2010

How does the baby names Ashley and Brad sound for fraternity baby names?


How does the baby names Ashley and Brad sound for fraternity baby names?
way to common i have one of those names and i've always wanted to change it because i never know if people are talking to me or the 7 other people in my class with the same name.... i think you should name them with names starting with the same letter i think if i ever have twins thats what i would do maybe... i think it would be cute... but then again confusing... idk all depends on how you look at it
Reply:ashley...hmmm well i think that kid would get a lot of crap in his life about his i wouldnt use that and brad is common, but i love that name so id go for that and choose a different 1 instead of ashley, as long as it doesnt have the same 1st initial as the other kids...
Reply:they are way tooooooo common. i think you should go with some unique names like imunique and diisis.

you pronouce imuniuqe like this(I'm-Unique)

you pronouce diisis like this (D-i-sis)
Reply:Those fraternity babies. Going out, getting drunk, pulling pranks. Sorry, couldn't resist. I assume you mean "fraternal" twins. Ashley and Brad sound like cute names.
Reply:You mean fraternal?

Since you want opinions, they are nice names, way too overused.
Reply:Ashely and Brad do sound like frat names.

I don't care for either on fraternal twins either... they're both pretty bland.
Reply:Do you know if there boy or girl? Ashley can go both ways.
Reply:CUTE real cute


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